Monday, May 07, 2007


May is here....Hurray!!!! Not! I know this month just started but i don't see anything special about it. My life has not changed in any way. Still the same........boring... but i just thank God that at least i am alive to see May. With the rate people are dying in the world at the moment, & the amount of disasters that occur each day, one should be very thankful to see each new day. So to get on with what i want to talk about...... CHURCHES. This posts shows my opinion on the flocks of churches in Nigeria. You do not have to agree with me. We all have a right to our own opinions. Here goes: (Excuse the typos)

There has been a rise in the amount of churches in 9ja so one gets confused as to which church to go to. You also see people performing different sorts of miracles. Some i find very hard to believe to be real. I have to admit that i am not a church goer. I think the last time i stepped into a church was back in naija & that was like way back. Me not going to church does not make me less religious than someone who goes to church. Actually i pray very well but i believe in praying at home. No church for me. Why??? Because there are so many things going on at the moment. People perform all sorts of miracles in church, then everybody rushes to that church, then the next thing you know, we find out that they pastor is a ritual killer or something. I remember my mom always used to tell us that it does not matter if the pastor is an adulterer, a ritual killer or whatever, because we are not going to the church to worship the pastor but God but i strongly disagree & i told her that. I believe people's churches & pastors influence them. The church that my parents were going to when i was born was run by this really popular pastor who every one was going on & on about. This pastor died when he was having sex with a woman that wasn't his wife. What does that tell us???
So many things i see put me off going to churches. I don't know if you guyz know about this christian channel called "LOVEWORLD" owned by pastor Chris Oyakilome of CHRIST EMBASSY. I came across this channel a while back & i watch it with intensity. My mom tried making me come to Christ Embassy with her but i refused. Later on, i started watching pastor Chris preach & i was like wow, this guy knows what he is talking about. I was actually tempted to go to the church with my mom (my mom has been to like all the churches in the world i believe) but then i noticed something while watching the LOVEWORLD channel & this put me off. Its not like i'm paranoid or something but my sisters & brothers noticed the same thing as well (they watch the channel also & we all share the same beliefs about the going to church thing). Well i noticed that all the top pastors in the church (including pastor chris himself & his brother Rev ken) all spotted the same hairstyle......Jerry-curled hair. I know some people would say so what??? But the thing is that i have never been to any church (trust me, i have been to laods because of my mom) where all the top pastors spotted the same hair style. Personally, i felt there was something behind it & so did my family (except my mom of cause). Even my dad (he watches the LOVEWORLD channel too) had something to say about it. I just found it absolutely weird & i was like, i'm never going to that church or any other church. Fine they do the miracles, barren women get pregnant, the blind end up seeing but so what??? Sometimes yes the miracles do bring tears to our eyes because you are so happy for the healed people i do find some of the miracles & testimonies dodgy. There was one where a guy said that he was born without testicles & as prayer was going on his testicles appeared fron no where. I'm sorry but i find it incredibly hard to beleive. Did he put his hands insides his pants as the prayers were going on to know if his testicles have reappered? One other woman said that she had lumps in her breasts but as prayers were going on, it dissapeared. Both the man & woman's miracles happned during a crusade as prayer was going on & immediately they recieved their miracles, they came up to the podium to give their testimonies. Did the woman take off her bra in the middle of the crusade to check for the lumps or did the guy put down his pants in the middle of the crusade (mind you there are like thousands of people there) to check if his testicles had reappeared? And can men be alive without their testicles in-tact???? In my previous post, i talked about the guy cutting his penis off. I'm sure he would have been dead if it wasn't reattached in the end so how did this guy live without testicles since he was born? My dad says that sometimes some of the miracles are real while he believes that the other people are paid by the pastors to say they recieved miracles.
I would have to say i'm sorry if this post upsets any church goer or Christ Embassy goer. I know God said we should not judge but there are some things that we see that one just has talk about. I'm not saying going to church is wrong, but i also don't believe that by not going to church, i'm commiting a great sin or my prayers won't be answered by God. This days people use churches as a way of making money thereby decieving the people who come into their churches.


Tyra!!! said...

I think most of the 'miracles' are staged.
If they were real,why havent the pastors or 'miracle workers', gone to the streets to heal the blind,the crippled etc. Abeg,church business these days is a lucrative business.This is my opinion.

Azuka said...

Speaking of testicles, yes men can live without them -- ever heard of Eunuchs?

An-Igbo-Dude said...

Well, i dont have any evidence about any staged miracles but the fact is they exist whether we want to believe it or not. I am a catholic but i love pastor chris teaching. I cant go to his church though cos we men of easy virtue get easily distracted with the lovely-body exposing damsels that attend his services. I know God says we should not judge, but He also said lots of fake pastors would spring up in the later time. So, all we have to do is guard our souls,have faith in God and live a God-like life. hope this is not too much of a comment

Unknown said...

About Christ Embassy - although I dont attend the church myself, but I dont think the miracles are fake. My cousin who is a medical doctor attends the church and she's always there on their miracle nights attending and interviewing people who testify to miracles having been performed on them and hast seen any false testimonies to date.

IJEOMA said...

speaking of christ embassy i have attended a few of thier services in Toronto.. i only like the sense of community between the church goers and the songs that they sing.. I am not too sure about thier pastor. For some reason his words dont touch me.. Having said that i have to say that i am usually uneasy about any church that mentions money more than 2 times during service.. great post girl

Anonymous said...

yeah, that was spot on! i like the sermons and all, infact i was a semi-member at some point until i came to london. But mehn, i dont get the hair thing either, i think its rily wierd. The rate at which churches are being established in naija are indeed ridiculous, u get confused as to who's actually saying and doing the word..........hmnnn only God knows!
thanks 4 stopping by mine.

Yankeenaijababe said...

sup chidi, how have u been? You are so damn right about the church thingy in Naija. I rememember back in the day when l was in Naija. Every street, shop , nook and corner, church de for Naija. A lot of wayo/419 business and all that crap. you can imagine. Naija we de.


I never know what to believe when you see 'miracles' performed on tv by pastors. Who knows if it is real.

It is a fact that church business is good business. People have always been wiling to part with their earnings in a hope of reaching Heaven.

Anyway, all we can do is pray and ask God for guidance and protection from evil. Nice post, can't believe i haven't visited your blog before.

diary of a G said...

yeah churches are starting to
get a bad rep nowadays

I always wondered how a pastor manage to live of preaching.

Life through rose-tinted glasses said...

i've thought about all the points u raise here and i must also say i do not believe in going to church at all, i go once in a while when my friends invite me but thats just it i cant just seem to feel it too much lately. u never know who's real and who's fake and i'm sorry to say all those miracles look shady as hell

Ayomipo Matthew Edinger said...

hey, ur post reads sincerely based on your observations. i am a member and a staff of pastor chris and i work at the church headquarters. if you ask the right questions, i am willing to attempt to answer them as best as i can. You can mail me your questions @

יש (Yosh) said...

lmao! Great write up...don't even get me started on churches...I'm beginning to "mind my own business" and do what I have to's left between me and God to sort each other out! :P

Ejura said...

I totally agree with yosh.Jerry curls,afro,bald,'s left between them and God to sort each other out.
I enjoy going to church.I have my reservations about certain issues but I love church on the whole.

princesa said...

Hey Girl dont know wat happened but i posted a comment here yesterday but cant see it. Anyway will post a new one

princesa said...

For the jerry curls i think its a case of the followers wanting to be like their master. Most guys in Crist embassy want to talk to Pastor Chris, dress like him, look like him, walk like him and what have you.
As for ur not going to church, doesnt make u any worse that those of us who do. I personally believe that the church is not the building rather the gathering of people who believe in one God, therefore if u and ur siblings gather togethre to praise and worship God, you are a church and he is in ur midst.
Thats not taking away from the fact that going to fellowship with fellow bel;ievers on sundays also help to strenghten our faith.
Thanks for dropping by. I appreciate it.

princesa said...

forgive the typos o!

Dith said...

churchianity is not christianity!
point blank.

chidi dont get me started with this whole church business cos i can write a whole book abt it.

ExcitedJade said...

chidi, u do well o.. am a confirmed member of christembassy since 1995 and am very proud of it.... As per the jerry curls thingy, really am not into that as well, but u know how some pple want to just be like their role models... And Yes, all the miracles are 110% real... my aunt is a living witness, she was blind after a serious illness... and my dear, she now sees more than anything when she attended one of our Night of bliss programme.

Pastor Chris is my father, my menthor. infact... if he tells me to jump into thames river, i'll do it(thats how much i beleive in him) provided he'll be at the end to pick me

Bubblegum Thug said...

I am not big on church. However it doesnt reduce or change my belief in GOd. I see a lot of them as money making machines.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I go to church...but I notice one or two things dat I question myself if it is in da bible.

I noticed the hairstyle thing (oyakhilome) over da weekend, it is just weird how all da ministers all have da same style, well except they all use da same saloon.

Our naija churches have become something else. Churches in naija now is like going clubbing, ppl go from one to da other to check out who's come to church and what they are wearing or wat car they brought.

Every church has it own doctrine and I don't beleive in "don't go to dat church" because they do XOXOXO there, therefore my church is better. Has all those churches are plenty......not all the people inside will go to heaven, I'm nt cursing but some people go to church for different reasons.

Admin UD said...

Ok, truth be told, am a church goer...wateva dat means!

An-Igbo-Dude said...

when we(?) talk about churches here, are we talking about ALL churches or just pentecostal or orthodox specific. i guess there is still some(actually many)differences between them. what do u think?

Standing Truth Betold said...

i dont know. Churches confuse me these days. I think i want to make my own church that way at least i'd know that its for real. But first, i must repent ;)

Klara said...

Some of this miracles are just back-Staged, Like that one of Pastor Deya(Kenyan) Who claimed to help Barren women Conceive only to emerge later that he was involed in Child Traffickin..
Aut on the other side Miracles do happen!!

Anon said...

Yeah, a lot of things put me off churches as well. More of them along the lines of pastors stealing donating money and furnishing their lavish lifestyles :-/

? said...

If you think have not been reading your posts you are mistaken. Its been excellent as always however most times have been doing that via my mobile which refuses to permit me in clicking the orange (publish) and blue (preview) buttons...or does anyone know how to get that working?

Anyway excellent post and i think our leaders need to take a serious look into this kind of fraud!

Anonymous said...

(Can't read back again..pardon)

Im not the kind that have time to read something inside out,but i bet ur article really caught my attention and i have to stop what i was doing to get every details....bravo

I agreed with ur mum to some extent,you know if we should all look at every mistakes in the churches,whaow....and you know what bible refers people that only see Choirs's mistakes,usher's fault,Pastor's vocabulary plus dressing and many more,they are called jezebels.(If u read ur bible,you will know more about Jezebel).Maybe u chose to stay at home and pray,well that's between you and ur God,but do you know that, same God u praying to , says where 2 or 3 are gathered,he is in their midst and goes further,My son,do not forsake the counsel of thy brethen.

If you read book of ACT,it gives us example of early church,on the day of Pentecost,the disciples were gather together praying (the bible put it as in one accord:one spirit) Also in the old Testament,when Queen Esther was about to ask for favor from the king on the day she wasn't meant to,she told her Uncle Mordecai to gather all the jews and fast for 3 days and night.God knows the value of people coming together to pray.

Finally,God is a miracle working God,I dont know how this churches in Nigeria confirm their miracles but some church like Morris Cerulo,Benny Hinn,Kenneth Copeland and may more,normally has doctors on stanby that confirm their stories.

Now,Im not saying people should just accept everything they see in the churches,but for crying out loud,people should care more about their Eternity,rather than what they will get instantly,God is not magician.People just want miracle by fire, by thunder no matter what it takes.I guess we should wake up from our slumber and face reality.

The beginning of the end is here and we all should know that Heaven and Hell is real,where have you chosen? You alone and alone can make that decision.

ababoypart2 said...

I agree totally with you. This church business is fraud with a capital F.

Perspectives said...

thanxs for dropping by, i wrote something on the subject
as for me as i personally watched my own popsi graduate from a compulsive attendee to pastor gon gon, i lost ALL faith , perhaps because i did not see any manifest changes in his life in the way he treats his begins at home, not to mention the temptation where people have tried to turn me into thier own miracle that will perhaps make them an ambassador, that alongside my politicized understanding of religion which is a cross between opium of the masses , necessary for personal motivation and wellness to plague of the white man, enslaving tool of the god/fathers/ see i'm in a difficult place not to mention i grew up with a healthy belief in umm the supernatural :)nontheless i'm a confirmed rosary praying catholic with a twist, i have no problems and i no send for those wey i dey call sunday sunday who think that all it means to be spiritual is to go to church every sunday be on the choir, etc..meanwhile thier everyday lives stink of 'iniquity'. thanks for the post..i liked it

Ayomipo Matthew Edinger said...

hey chidi, your answer is up on my blog

Simply Gorgeous said...

I am very weary of these new churches... I thought it was just me.

Unknown said...

So long as there are human beings in religious institutions - there will always be hypocricy and lies. But do not let it stop your search for God or his word. Sometimes, you just have to sit back and let God be.

For all the fake pastors all over the world, their time of judgement will come because they took something pure and made it into something else...

But trust me i understood your lack of desire to go to church, i used to go through that. One thing i know is that not everyone who says brother or sister is actually family and i learnt that in church.

I love your blog. Keep up the good work.

♥♫♪nyemoni♫♪♥ said...

I like Pamela's ^ take... there IS a GOD... look around you, he's there... don't let the iniquities of your fellow man distract you from seeing the truth... forget the Pastors and congregation cos they're human... focus on God only... Nice post girl...

Admin UD said...

Chidi! Chidi!! Chidi ooo!!!

How many times did i call you...13 times.

Yu berra update now!

Anonymous said...

So, when r u updating?

Naija Vixen said...

babes?hope you okay? update!!!

Anonymous said...

i thot i was the only one that noticed pastor chris hair o....b4 he had this soft afro i dont even know waht to call dis has a parting and it is gelled back ni one funny way!lol...chidi read my response at disgodkidd's page

diary of a G said...


An-Igbo-Dude said...

hi chidi, i hope you are ok. aint seen u around (on blog at least) in a while. we (i at least) miss u

IJEOMA said...

aiight babe. time to update

Yankeenaijababe said...

Girl, update ur site....................

Idemili said...

I will spank you with my 'fro comb if you don't update this blog - sharpish!

? said...

Please give me a shout once you have updated. I hope you are well.

Anonymous said...

i don't like christ embassy or their pastor, i remember him being on tv several times during the day those days i'd spend my summers at home... something very slick about him that doesn't sit right with my spirit. i'm not saying he's not legit (actually maybe i am) but I don't think he can minister to me. i have the same complaint of benny hinn, eddie long, creflo dollar, and joel osteen. In fact i think the only mega church preacher i'm not weary of is td jakes, he touches my heart, the rest of them seem too slickback and money hungry for my liking

Meadows j. said...

Right Chidi, my word of advice is for you to ignore how a pastor look and what he does and focus onto God. My first impression of our priest was that he did not like black people, he was not at all friendly to us but you only see him catting and smilling with white folks, it annoyed my dear husband so much that he stopped attending mases on sundays but i never gave up BECAUSE I GO TO CHURCH FOR MY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD AND NOT FOR MY PRIEST!. Hes nice and friendly to us now but we dont really care cos hes only human.

Anonymous said...

So, Question..? how can u call yourself a believer if u pick and choose from what to believe and what not as a miracle rnt u doubting God's ability to perform them ? far as God concerned healing a bad cold or healing HIV are all the same...and ur comment abt his hair can u be so blind...This guy is no ordinary man ...think we might wane pay a lil more attention to what he does and how he does it so we all can grow and mature....

Anonymous said...

Yes human being can live without testicles. Eunuchs do not have testicles. It is a deformity and people live with many deformity.

When Jesus was in this world he healed those asked for healing and not every one God is righteous and holy faithful to his promise" obey God and ask him your needs and you shall receive" Since we went away from God by disobeying the commandment of God in Eden Garden by not believing in God words but believing in the words of satan and now we have to receive blessing and healing by faith in God and obeying God

So every one cannot receive healing unless you believe and obey God's commandment. A man or woman when praying to God to receive healing for their sickness they are very conscious of their weakness and when they receive the healing from they can know the changes that has occurred in their body they need not touch and see. A person who has not been sick with sever sickness wont be able to reason out many things but when one passes through such phases in real life then they understand as I was.

Even one of the disciples of Jesus Christ was a deceiver a black sheep, so now also you can come across many black sheep and further a man may be spiritual in the beginning and later on he must have backslidden in spiritual life and must have sinned and fallen from holiness. So in the Gospel you see Crown is for them that run the race in faith and holiness till the end. Jesus is a living Holy God exercising loving kindness righteousness and judgment in the world. Guard your clothes that they are not spotted with dirt, be not be beguiled by the things of this world but increase the knowledge of God and the word of God and Be prepared for his second coming.

Anonymous said...

God knows our need then why God is not giving what we want when man or woman or a family is passing through some problem and they are good church members.

Anonymous said...

God is aware of our needs and he can give all our needs. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE BY GOD. If God gives all our needs then we will never obey God's commandment and we will never try to follow God, BUT ALWAYS STRIVE TO PLOUGH SIN. Word of God Says Heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. During the time of Noah, word of God says the imagination of men were continuously evil and they did not hear the word of God and perished.

In Eden Garden God used to visit Adam and Eve every day in the cool of the day and used to talk to them. This relationship of man with God was lost for man disobeyed God’s commandment and God is Holy and darkness has no place before God. But God in his mercy had ordained before the foundation of the earth Jesus Christ as Saviour of mankind from eternal death.

In Eden Garden God used to come and talk to man but sin has put an end to this relation. But God being merciful and in his holiness hear our cry and answers our prayer, so even if we are good believers or church members God some times do not give our need unless and until we sincerely cry unto God and prove worthiness of our faith in God. In case of Abraham God gave promise and he got his promise only when Abraham repeatedly asked for it and incase of Isaac also , Isaac got the promise only when he entreated God for the promise. So we should have good relation with God that is , we should obey all the commandment of God ( If you offend in one commandment you offend in all commandment and it is sin before God) and we should patiently wait on God for the promise to be received and ask God to give the promise till he gives us, that is faith in God and loving God. God will surely fulfill the promise.

Anonymous said...

It takes a sacrificial life of prayers, fasting and the studing of the word of God to be used of God. Can you sacrifice your pleasures for the welfare of others? lets commend those who do that and stop criticing. think of it if you are pulled out of a stretcher and miraculously healed what will be your new language. People are suffering.Those who can use the power of God to help others come out of sufferings should be applauded.
Writing from USA.

Anonymous said...

i am compelled to post my comment after reading all your comments.. am totally surprised at ur comment that you are asking where the lumps on a ladys breast vanished to. u r equally surprised that a mans testicle can be replaced by God! does it mean you do not believer the miracles you read in the bible? all the blind eyes restored by Jesus, where did he get the new eyes from. Miracles are very real. The power of God is very alive in our days for as many who believe. i was to skeptical abt these miracles until i attended one of Pastor Chris services. i experienced the presence of God like i have never in my entire life, i walked out of that meeting healed and i remain healed till today.Dont b caried away by the perms and all.They are annointed of God.

Anonymous said...

After reading all yours comments, i would like to say i personally am a Christ Embassy member, very much involved, and i can only tell you that i do not spot a jerry curl as i am a black lady with shoulder length straightened hair, I do not mind the curlly hair, my point is a miracle is only real to the persons who are affected, e.g my parents who are from Zimbabwe, went to healing school because of stroke, my mom.(no eye sight, bed ridden, not talking) remember pastor chris always says we wait until they cant talk. becoz she could not abject we send her off, 3 weeks down the line she came back as normal as you would never think she had suffered stroke 2 times, becoz of BP.

another e.g my best friend who was HIV positive, well progresed, attended a crusade in london last year and Pastor actually made it to the stage to testify and she was healed before Pastor even saw her, and now the tests have proved negative and her hair is long now, health woman. Mind you we live in a little village town in UK, we only have a cell group, we have no contact with Pastor except thru his materials and tv, and during our cell meetings people get healed, mind you i am just ordinary like you, but God said wat he can do for one man he can do for another, i asked him for the same and i have the same anointing to heal cast out devil etc....


Some people if Jesus was walking down the street in a red bowler hat they would not recognise him. You cant know someone you do not have a relationship with.
and praying is very much not knowing him, we can pray, even my ancestors used to pray to dead ancestors and they thot they were ok. But the light has come, your denying it does not mean it does not exist.

why dont you get down on your knees and ask God, with a sencire heart, that you realy want to see him, he is a loving God, he will with hold nothing from you.

Anonymous said...

well i dont know how someone like you will know the truth....Some things cant be told to people with such a mindset. When will you make up your mind to believe God?

phronesis said...

in the abundance of thy hearts thine mouth speaketh, there are stages in the christian life, the nepios, technons and the huois of God, Jesus perfomed miracles when He walked the faces of the earth, a lot thought the healing miracles were figle, further more, the bible says, as He is, so are we on earth,if ye believe in Him, greater works will we do, for you to want spiritual things to be justified in humanly, afraid its not how spirit beings works. love you all.

Anonymous said...

The only reason i dont attend Churches like his fulltime is that they are forever talking abolut money and promising people riches if they believe. Which is bollocks. You could remian poor even if you are the best christian, but you must appreciate God's blessings nevertheless. And if i had such healing powers I would hide and appear only in Hospitals unannounced, heal the people, and move on. That way I wouold heal more people without extreme crowds fighting to reach me. Just like Jesus often did.

Anonymous said...

You sound so miserable. You better put your head down and understand what it means to be in church. U go to church for yourself and not for anybody, not even you mom. the people that you find faults with are already doing what they ought to do before God. It is up to God to accept or reject what they are doing. But for you, i feel sorry for you becos before God, you have nothing. So my dear... wake up!!!

Anonymous said...

miracles which are performed by pastors are real,is not by power by mighty but by the spirit,the word of god says the same spirit that raised christ from dead Is within you it mean the spirit of healing ,dominion,power,etc is upon us so we are able to heal the sick and God said if you ask anything in my name you shall it be given to you,if our pastors are asking god in the name of jesus to heal, that is possible for people to recieve such miracles.may you people open your heart for jesus and he will kindly show you his wonders.

Anonymous said...

If,you don'nt believe,you should not say things that are not Good about our pastors God chose them and anoited them to Guide those who believe,the word of god says in psalm 105 vs 15 do not touch my anoited ones.

Anonymous said...

Science has made claims that I can not prove though I am a technical person. It does not bother me because those claims do not condemn what i do believe and apply. I am not even tempted to pass a comment on a thing that may one day become fact. The human mind has a tendency to want to disbelieve things we are afraid of. Why a person who does not attend church but only voyeurs through a TV screen but still makes such a conclusive hypotheses beats me. You said you believe but your blog tells me more about you than the subject. If you want to be really big as a credible critic, attend their church for a specific period of time, say a week or a day and gather enough facts and questions. Get your bible out of the shelf, pray, consult people whose answers you would trust on the issues you OBSERVED on the field trip.Your self presentation tells more about your self condemnation, fear and worry and not ability to analyse matters. You do not need the bloggosphere to seek sympathy and people of the like mind. You need a personal journey you can then share with us. Doubt of miracles, judgment of hair style and purse hugging is exprerssion of something besides observation. I am not a member of Christ Embassy but I believe it is one of Nigeria's best gifts to the world. I do not perm my hair though I know there is nothing wrong with it. I love Pastor Chris and his ministers though I have never financially supported them. I love your attempt but I judge it to be too escapist and a precipitate of fear working to the surface on the much abused bloggosphere. I love you. Judgment is inevitable but all I chose was to voice what I fear is evidence and shredder being mentioned in the same statement. God bless you.

Olanrewaju Aiki said...

My dear sisietr,
who are you to question God or his annointed men of God.....In evrything you talked aabout, there are signs of doubt not only on the side of the churches which u mentioned and i quite agree with you but on your own side too, u prove not to be sure of what you are saying....u seem to be tending towards maybe or maybe not.
At this point, i think i need to let you know that you are not God and as a result have no right to judge any single soul be it annointed men of God or any ordinary human being.
If a man`s way is not straight before God,live the person to answer before God and do not answer for such a person as you are doin rite very careful what you say. Say only the things u are sure of otherwise u might be robbed into very careful.....and lastly be very careful because you not only misleading yourself but also misleading others too....stay well

Unknown said...

if it is ok with you may i kindly get your email address , i would like to discuss this further with you, my name is Bro Bongani and my email is .

Anonymous said...

Shame on u writer and cursed are your thots and words the bible says cursed are those who curse u . As much u may want to destroy God work that shall not work we are burning and shining lyk never before . Loveworld
is becoming bigger and bigger its viewers are increasing and your article has no effect on anyone in Jesus name. And for the record PLIZ GET BORN AGAIN BECAUSE YOUR ARTICLE SHOWS THAT U ARE A NON BELIEVER

Anonymous said...

I am not sure how I came to be on this post but here i am . I truly understand your cry for truth and the only way to obtain truth is by the Word of truth. I invite you to take a walk though the bible and see what it says about miracles, healings, the Power of God and working of the Holy Spirit. I can understand when you speak because you speak out of ignorance and obsearvation. the Kingdom of God does not come by observation. You may not believe the miracles doesnt make them any less real. Remember doubtful thomas...he said he had to see the nail holes in Jesus' hands before he believe and he didnt believe , although he walk with Jesus for so long , he didnt believe. Jesus response to him was...Blessed are those who dont see and believe.
I have had miracles in my life and daily I trust God to work in my life. He may work through any way He sees fit, He is God. My challenge to you is go to God with an open heart, go to Him with an open mind give your life totally over to Him and see what He does, He can do all things, just ask. Dont say home and say you pray and He will answer, yes He will because He love us and He died for all of us, the good , bad and the ugly but He want to work through us to take us on the journey He prepared for us individually. Take a step beyond praying or watching from the outside. Ask the Lord to come be Lord of your life , to show you the way , to show you which church to go, whick dwelling place you should be in. and by your faith , He will show you. I have listen to Pastor Chris and will continue to listen to Him, I dont necessarily agree with all that he has said , but there are some very powerful message, dont watch the Pastor , follow him in the Word and allow the Word to change you. The scriptures say you must be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Be transform. So faith come by hearing and hearing by the Word....are you reading the Word and allowing it to open your spiritual eyes. Before go over to unbelief, gain the faith to remove your unbelief. You have been given the measure of faith , I chalenge you to use it. It is better to live the life that God intended now than go your own way because at some point you will have to come to Him and you want to know that you chose Him not a man or a church. Please read the bible and ask the Lord to give you understanding of will change your life.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised at anonumous who commented on Monday June 20 2:16:00 AM GMT+02:OO . Are u a christian yourself???Do Christians evangalize lyk that???And why are u cursing the writer??Dont u think u ought 2 preach the Good Word to the writer and pray that God shows the writer the way???Is that how u "encourage" someone to get born again??Dont think so.Pliz revisit your Christian values by reading more of the Word.God bless you

Anonymous said...

beware of blasphemy aganist the Holy Spirit by crashing His works. What you dont know, dont talk!! Remember Jesus said blasphemy aganist the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven!

Anonymous said...

Most comments even d person dat wrote this blog was that God said we should not judge but the whole of ur comments were seriously judging a man of God, let live God to handle your case. For pastor chris even if am not a member of his church ii admire his teaching nd his humility nd he is a man most of the pastors look upp to bcos he leads by example. So open ur mouth and say all the rubbish U̶̲̥̅̊ want, for the fact that God is not a respecter of humans he knows how to handle hipocrites like U̶̲̥̅̊ guys. Am about to become a member because of the gossips I've come to love that fold the more.

Anonymous said...

I have been personnally swindled and falsely accused by christ embassy members. Their community is a bundle of hero worship and psychological manipulation using the word of God.
Now all I say is no church is perfect in your search to become closer to your savior please do not be miracle driven, do not worship your pastor, he is a man and is fallible. only worship God.

Because all those who base their faith on a particular human are setting themselves up for disppointment. Salvation is pure and true but in Jesus Christ you can't blame God for our messed up ness.

I have no good words for Christ Embassy, so I won't say much. All I will say is if a person gets born again and their character becomes less open, self righteous and more evil in behaviour, that person is not worshipping Jesus of Nazareth

Monique said...

I was married to my beloved husband and we loved and cherished ourselves for good 2years and every thing was going on smoothly but april 5, 2013 we both had misunderstanding and he told me that the relationship is over and that he is fed up with me and I begged him because I love him so much but he refused me I was so down cast and I felt the world has come to an end for me but my friend told me about a spell caster that helped her sister out in getting her relationship back, a good job and favor in any of her endeavor but at first I was scared but I have to give this man a trial because I love my husband very much and I am not willing to loose him to any woman, so I ordered returning love spell from this great spell caster that made me a happy woman again to say it all my husband came back to me with much love and a caring heart...i am testifying to this great spell caster of Ishvara temple you are a great man in this world and you mean so much to me you are the best spell caster that i have ever hear off in all website contact this man via this email if you really need to get your problems solve

Unknown said...

How i got my boyfriend back.Am Stacey Bruno by name I never believed in love spells or magic until I met this spell caster once when i went to see my friend in Indian this year on a business summit. I meant a man who's name is Dr ATILA he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one's gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell .I'm now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 5 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn't believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is

Sarah Jacoby said...

My name is Sarah Jacoby from USA, Three weeks ago I and my boyfriend had a conflict, so with that he broke up with me saying he no longer wanted to associate with me anymore, I never knew he was interested in working out his marriage with another girl, I was helpless because I loved him so much more than myself, after begging and pleading with him I realized it was out of my hands, he really was leaving me, I could not stay without him, I tried to figure things out with him but he is not listening me, he told me that he is no longer interested that I should look for someone else, I tried all my best but things were not working out, so I had no choice than to look around for help, I went into search of spell caster to help me bring him back to me with the help of spell and after searching I actually finalize to work with ( in regards of my lover. after 3 days as Dr Madurai told that my lover will return. my lover returned in surprising way, I was chocked and was so happy I can't say how much I'm grateful, My lover not only came back to me, but has left his other girl and now has engaged me, we are getting married next month, I don't know what I would have done without this spell caster you can contact ( him today . is spell is for a better life

Unknown said...

Hello I am moral,I am out here to spread this good news to the
entire world on how I got my ex husband back.I was going crazy when my
husband left me and my two kids for another woman last month, But when
i met a friend that introduced me to DR. OBOITE the great messenger to
the oracle of DR. OBOITE healing home,I narrated my problem to DR. OBOITE
about how my ex Husband left me and my two kids and also how i needed
to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come
to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any
side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,24
hours later,My Ex Husband called me on the phone and was saying sorry
for living me and the kids before now and one week after my Husband
called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in
a very big company here in USA were i needed to work as the managing
director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to
the entire world to contact DR. OBOITE on his personal email address and
get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to
solve..Contact him direct on: and your
problem will be solve. or contact:+2348167554235.

Unknown said...

Hello I am moral,I am out here to spread this good news to the
entire world on how I got my ex husband back.I was going crazy when my
husband left me and my two kids for another woman last month, But when
i met a friend that introduced me to DR. OBOITE the great messenger to
the oracle of DR. OBOITE healing home,I narrated my problem to DR. OBOITE
about how my ex Husband left me and my two kids and also how i needed
to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come
to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any
side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,24
hours later,My Ex Husband called me on the phone and was saying sorry
for living me and the kids before now and one week after my Husband
called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in
a very big company here in USA were i needed to work as the managing
director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to
the entire world to contact DR. OBOITE on his personal email address and
get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to
solve..Contact him direct on: and your
problem will be solve. or contact:+2348167554235.

Anonymous said...

hello every body my name is ingrid I just want to share my experience with the world on how PROPHETALUTA help me, I got my love back and saved my marriage¦ I was married for 3years with 1kid and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fights and argued almost every time¦ it got worse at a point that he filed for divorce¦ I tried my best to make him change his mind & stay with me because I love him so much and don't want to lose him but everything just didn't work out¦ he moved out of the house because it was a rented apartment and still went ahead to file for divorce¦ I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell caster who eventually helped me out¦ I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try reluctantly because I was desperate and left with no choice¦ He did special prayers and used his power¦ Within 4 days my husband called me and he said he was sorry for all the emotional pains he had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily nd our kid is happy too and we are expecting our second child¦ I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news¦ Just thought I should share my experience because I strongly believe someone out there need's it¦ You can email him through his email.PROPHETALUTASOLUTIONTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM

Unknown said...

Am really grateful and thankful for what Dr. Omoze has done for me. I Was
having HIV/ AIDS for good four years with no solution, the diseases almost
took my life and because I was unable to work and I was also loosing lots
of money for medication, but one faithful day when I went online, I met
lots of testimonies about this great man called Dr Omoze, some testified
about how he get they lovers back some testified how he cure cancer,
restores womb, I decided to give it a try and to God be the glory he did
it. he cured me of my diseases and am so happy and so pleased to Write
about him today. if you need his help or you also want to get cured just
the way I got mine. you can write him on his Email: or call him on his whatassp